Tuesday, August 14, 2007

BREW Evolves into OS !

Qualcomm Inc of the US is revamping its Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) software platform for mobile phones mounting its own chips. BREW has offered an application execution environment for some time, but BREW 4.0, which is a new architecture, will offer functionality on a par with high-performance operating systems (OS). It is likely to provide improved control to mobile phone users, and to provide major changes in development methods and time requirements for manufacturers of handsets or handset components. The firm has said that the development of BREW 4.0 will take about another year. It plans to begin providing it with chipsets to handset manufacturers from the end of 2007, and expects the first BREW 4.0-based mobile phones to appear in about 2008.

Reducing Cost, Time

According to Jun Yamada, president of Qualcomm Japan Inc, a key turning point for manufacturers of handsets, components and other related items will be when third parties begin to develop their own device drivers, in the same way as Microsoft Windows and similar products. Until now, driver software for integrated circuits (IC), sensors and other components peripheral to the Qualcomm chipset required device drivers developed jointly by handset and component manufacturers (see Fig). This is because BREW information disclosure was restricted to mobile phone manufacturers licensing the chipset. Component manufacturers had no choice but to develop drivers in close cooperation with the handset manufacturers.

"Qualcomm changed its policy in response to requests by component manufacturers," explained Shigemaru Nishiyama, engineer, senior staff/manager, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies of Japan. The firm reviewed its prior stance, and made the decision to release BREW 4.0 information required for device drivers at a relatively early stage to component manufacturers. Qualcomm provides the tools required for driver development, predicting reductions in mobile phone development time and cost.

Building into OS

In BREW 4.0, the firm decided to build in OS functions, and review the entire architecture. As Nishiyama explained, "We support parallel processing for tasks and threads. We refer to this as component service." Native applications will run in the CPU cores on top of component service, along with conventional BREW applets.

Compared to past versions of BREW, which have been designed to provide an execution environment on top of an OS in a manner similar to Java, the new version offers major expansions in function.

BREW 4.0 also adopts a microkernel architecture capable of processing different applications individually, making it easier to reserve memory for mobile phone needs or assure security. "And even if a buggy application crashes, it won't affect the entire system," added Nishiyama. In prior versions, only a single User Interface Task ran at once, but the next-generation version of BREW will run multiple BREW application processes under OS control with prioritizing.

Application independence was heightened because of the rapid increase in the quantity of applications running on mobile phones, and the provision of financial services by mobile phone operators. There is also a need for stronger security, driven by fear of software like Winny.

The Qualcomm chipset will cover not only the initial North American schemes (cdmaOne and CDMA2000), but also the W-CDMA adopted in Japan, Europe and elsewhere.

The firm is continuing to expand the range of software capable of running on it, hoping to establish a solid position as a mobile phone platform provider.

by Takahiro Kikuchi

(August 2006 Issue, Nikkei Electronics Asia)

Friday, August 3, 2007

Glimpsing the mobile future !

As a digital nomad of some years standing I've had a lot of opportunity to try out various mobile technologies that claim to make my life easier. I've had phones, smartphones, PDAs, sub-notebooks, infra-red keyboards and various other devices, peripherals, gizmos and cool toys.
Many of them have come to me second-hand from my early adopter friend Simon, who seems to have an unerring ability to spot the hottest new gadget and a congenital inability to resist paying good money for unproven consumer electronics.

But I doubt even Simon will be rushing out to spend $500 on the latest offering from Palm, the Foleo. It is a strange hybrid, a Linux-based sub-notebook with a 10-inch display, a full-size keyboard and solid-state storage instead of a disk drive. According to Palm it isn't a laptop or a PDA, it's a "companion device" for your Treo smartphone, linking seamlessly through Bluetooth and letting you type faster and see what you're doing more clearly than you can manage on the phone itself.

While some may see this as an acknowledgement that once the excitement of having a web-enabled phone passes most of us just find it irritating to have to work on such a small scale, Palm clearly sees it as the opportunity to sell us yet another piece of hardware.

Touch screens work well for larger devices or fixed displays, but I'm back with a proper number pad now and loving it ,Even ignoring the unfortunate similarity between a "companion device" for your phone and the "companion animals" which help people cope with disabilities, the idea of having another device to lug around makes little sense.

And if you've got space for a kilo of Foleo, you've probably got space for a real laptop rather than this glorified add-on. Even the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet would do a decent job. Palm may have created the PDA market with the Palm Pilot and followed it with the innovative Treo smartphone, but the Foleo seems unlikely to re-establish it as the innovative market leader it once was.

The Foleo is just another clamshell device with a rigid screen and a keyboard, a not-very-novel application of existing technologies that ignores the real innovations that are already affecting the mobile space.

What will tomorrow's mobile devices look like ?

asks Bill Thompson, and how useful will they be?

The iPhone hopes to introduce a new way of using displays We are on the cusp of a real transformation in the ways we interact with our computers, and I can't see the need for yet another cut-down laptop when new displays and input devices are being announced daily. Touch sensitive displays are increasingly common, and multi-touch systems that let you make gestures and direct activities using several fingers at once will allow novel user interfaces for all sorts of devices. Not all of them will work, of course.

I suspect that Apple's iPhone, coming to market at the end of the month, will end up offering a fascinating insight into the conflicts created when the coolest looking technology turns out to be far less usable than it was supposed to be.

Having used a smartphone with a touchscreen for over a year, I can testify to the sheer irritation of having "keys" that offer no tactile feedback when you touch them and of trying to use a handheld device that forces you to stare closely at the screen whenever you're trying to do call a number or send a text.

Touch screens work well for larger devices or fixed displays, but I'm back with a proper number pad now and loving it. I suspect that many iPhone users will do the same. Screens themselves are being transformed and flexible, full-colour displays are finally entering production.

Last week Sony demonstrated its new flexible screen technology, a wafer-thin colour display that may start out being used for moving adverts in magazines but could let us turn almost any surface into a screen.

Flexible screens

LG Philips and Universal Display Corporation have their own full-colour flexible screen, with a 320 by 240 pixel display, while Cambridge Display Technology continues to develop its own flexible screens based around polymer LEDs.

We're also seeing devices with new displays built in to them, like the Sony Reader, or the new Readius from Polymer Vision which has a screen that wraps around and unfolds to let you read from its greyscale display. Researchers in the US have managed to solve one of the problems facing these displays, which is that while the displays themselves can be made transparent the electronics which control them are opaque.

We now have see-through transistors made with zinc oxide and indium oxide 'nanowires', making it possible to build displays into glasses or car windscreens. As an alternative to better displays, phones may soon come with built-in high-intensity projectors. TI recently demonstrated a projector that can be used to watch movies or for reading documents without having to get out a magnifying glass. While these new technologies will make their way into consumer devices in the next few years, for the moment the laptop, like the book, is more convenient and more usable than the alternatives. We use other devices not because they are better but because they are smaller or lighter, because they offer simple connectivity when we are on the move, and of course because they consume less power and so have much longer battery life.

In the near future the compromises that have always faced the designers of mobile devices may no longer be necessary as new forms of display and new input technologies give designers more creative license.

The practice of architecture was completely transformed in the late twentieth century as new building materials made it possible for an architect to draw the most fantastic buildings and say 'build that', instead of having to work with the physical limitations of steel or concrete. We may be on the verge of a similar transformation in the ways we design and build the many digital devices that we use in daily life.

Bill Thompson is an independent journalist and regular commentator on the BBC World Service programme Digital Planet. from BBC News UK.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A pervasive Technology for Human, Mobile Computing .

Mobile computing devices abound. Most of us have them in our pockets and purses—the joy of the omnipresent cell phone. The newer the model, the more likely it is to be "computing capable." A new cell phone has computing power equivalent to that of a 1998 desktop computer; next year's will be better yet. Yet, for the time being, the computing power of mobile devices has gone largely unutilized. This is about to change, however, and the exciting part is that this change will encompass just about everything—you included.

Mobile computing is not a new concept. In fact, Microsoft acknowledged its importance in the software industry some time ago when it changed its vision statement from "a computer on every desk and in every home" to "empower people through great software any time, any place, and on any device." This vision shifts the location of the software. Whereas it used to reside on "every desk and in every home," software will now reside everywhere and on every device. That device includes your phone. Mobile computing is one of the new starting players in the technology lineup. It may be a rookie, but it has MVP prospects.

The Transformation of "Everything We Do"

Bill Gates (BG) announced recently, "We're entering an era when software will fundamentally transform almost everything we do." One might add that specifically mobile computing will contribute significantly in the transformation of "everything we do." But, this raises deeper questions: Why mobile computing now? What is the catalyst that will propel mobile computing into our quotidian routines?

The answer is simple once you consider that creating mobile software applications has traditionally been very difficult, painful even. This difficulty has led to the dearth of mobile applications, which subsequently relegated the PDA to little more than a glorified address book. The "software is the constraint" [BG, PDC 03], and for mobile computing this has certainly is true—until next year, that is. Next year, the release of Visual Studio.NET 2005 (VS.NET '05) will provide software developers with a viable software development environment for creating sophisticated mobile applications for the Pocket PC operating system. VS.NET '03 was pretty good, but VS.NET '05 is better because it makes key technologies more accessible: SMS, PC telephony, Bluetooth, and message queues (admittedly, Bluetooth might yet be simplified, and where's my G3—precursor to handheld porn?"). For example, VS.NET '05 eases the difficulty in building applications that can place phone calls (which may lead to a renewed interest in PC telephony) and makes it significantly easier to build applications characterized by intermittent connectivity. Developers should soon be able to focus on function rather than feature and, as author Chris Date writes, on "what to do, rather than how to do it."

The software story is only half the picture, however. Until a few months ago, the hardware also left something to be desired. Personally, I reluctantly became Inspector Gadget, "strapped" with a Pocket PC on each hip (a Hewlett-Packard 5550 and a T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition), ready to pull out my "gat" and point and click. The T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition was useful, but certainly not enterprise ready—no wireless LAN and no Bluetooth (thereby useless for enterprise applications). The HP 5550 had impressive features such as wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and fingerprint security, but it lacked a phone. I ended up having to take both with me, the HP providing the Bluetooth needed to communicate with a Bluetooth navigation system (maps and directions), while the phone functioned to "integrate my life."

Monday, July 30, 2007

Mobile Computing the cutting Edge of Technology !

Mobile Computing allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link.

Mobile voice communication is widely established throughout the world and has had a very rapid increase in the number of subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. An extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across these cellular networks. This is the principle of mobile computing.

Mobile data communication has become a very important and rapidly evolving technology as it allows users to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations. This proves to be the solution to the biggest problem of business people on the move - mobility.